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Who is Mazen Boukai, the Syrian Artist

Mazen Boukai Self Portrait Realism Painting Acrylic Human Figure

Born in 1961 in Damascus, Syria, he studied Fine Arts at Damascus University. At 26 years of age he left for Spain, moved by his love for Flamenco music, where he decided to stay in Granada. There he grew as an artist exploring different styles and techniques.
For the last 30 years he has lived in Madrid and, although he has lived most of his life in Spain, his roots are still very present in his art.
Mazen’s artwork is diverse and unique, centered around, as he puts it himself, “modeling light”. In all of his work, oil paintings, watercolor, acrylic, collage and mixed mediums you will be amazed with an extraordinary use of color and light, a marvel for the senses and a reflection of true artistic genius.

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